Kahawa 1893

Color Palette

ColorHex CodeHow It's UsedColor Category
                                      #E7501Dhero colororange
                                      #16243Dhero colorblue
                                      #F49E19hero coloryellow
                                      #F7BAADhero colorpink
                                      #F4D1B3hero colorbeige
                                      #FCC155hero coloryellow
                                      #30C5B4hero colorgreen
                                      #FFFFFFneutral colorwhite
                                      #006AA2hero colorblue

Color Palette Review

Kahawa 1983 is a woman-owned coffee company that creates opportunities for Kenyan female farmers. I first came across this business on Shark Tank and was amazed at the story (and the packaging design).

The design style is bright, tropical, and lush. It has hints of femininity with it's pinks and salmon colors.

There's a certain life to the color palette that makes it stand out against all the clean, monochromatic packaging options in the grocery store.

Color Palette Vibe: Lush Feminine Tropics
Color Palette Formula: iconic family

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