Jenna Kutcher

Color Palette

ColorHex CodeHow It's UsedColor Category
                                      #FCD26Dhero coloryellow
                                      #F9A86Baccent colororange
                                      #FBF6EEneutral colorbeige
                                      #F9A96Daccent colororange
                                      #DFA937accent coloryellow
                                      #111111neutral colorblack
                                      #B8C8D0accent colorgrey
                                      #FFBE9Faccent colorpink
                                      #C39D2Daccent coloryellow
                                      #F0691Cneutral colorwhite

Color Palette Review

Jenna Kutcher is an author, podcaster, educator, and photographer. She has a menu of marketing resources & courses for the self-employed community.

If you've been on Pinterest in the last 10 years, you've probably seen Jenna's posts. I think her color palette is spot-on: it's sunny, warm, with a hint of femininity. It feels like a long weekend vacation at the beach.

The majority of her small text is either on a cream or white background, which makes it super easy to read and digest. Her use of an iconic yellow color (balanced by some delicious warm accent colors) makes her posts stand out in a sea of Pinterest scrolling.

Color Palette Vibe: Warm & Sunny
Color Palette Formula: hero

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