Color Palette

ColorHex CodeHow It's UsedColor Category
                                      #E4541Dhero colororange
                                      #FCF4EBbackground colorbeige
                                      #87AB5Daccent colorgreen
                                      #C1CED5accent colorblue
                                      #D9D9D9neutral colorgrey
                                      #414042neutral colorblack
                                      #FFFFFFneutral colorwhite

Color Palette Review

I absolutely LOOOOOVE this color palette. It’s clean, simple, and elegant. This business promotes the art of the dinner party and I think their iconic orange is a great way to stand out in the industry. Their palette is full of organic life.

Color Palette Vibe: bright home dinner party
Color Palette Formula: Hero

Want to submit your business for a color palette review? Apply here!

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Color Palette Tester
Color Palette Tester
Color Palette Tester
Color Palette Tester

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