I want to chat!

I'm looking to chat with a few designers & solopreneurs in the next few days about our color palette tools. 

I have 10 spots available for live calls with me. This is not a sales call.

There's nothing to prep on your end, I have a few simple questions to ask for our product development research. :)

book a call

Here's how it works:

  • 1. Schedule Your Call

    Use the calendar below to schedule your call. Available dates: Oct 25, 26, 27.

  • 2. Join the Live Call

    We'll hop on Zoom & chat! This is not a sales call.There's nothing to prep on your end, I have a few simple questions to ask for our product development research.

  • 3. I'll Send You Coffee!

    After our live call, I'll send you a $10 PayPal gift card so you can treat yourself to coffee as a thank-you for your feedback. :)

the call spots have all been claimed!

I would still LOVE your feedback.

If you could fill out this super short survey (2 mins), it would be INCREDIBLY helpful so that I can keep making the best stuff for you.