Color Palette Pro
Color Palette Pro
Design style mood boards
Scroll through the different mood boards & color palette recipes. Use the eyedropper tool in step 1 to build your color palettes.

Step 1
Choose your colors
Color 1:
Color 2:
Color 3:
Color 4:
Color 5:
Color 6:
Step 2
Name your colors
Step 3
Test your colors
Select All
Step 4
Select all pairings to include from the preview above, then click Show Palette.
Color Palette
Color Combos
Step 5
Save your work
For Yourself
Note: this URL is for your internal use, or for pasting into the Color Buddy Chrome extension - it will not load for clients
For Your Client
Create client-friendly export. This will open your palette and combos in a new tab. In the new tab, you can screenshot or Print As PDF from your browser.
Note: If printing as PDF, be sure to 'enable background graphics' in your print settings.